Why can't I see all the card symbols? They look funny!

Your PC is probably missing a standard font - the SYMBOL font. This font is a part of Windows, but somehow your copy got corrupted or lost.

I've attached a copy for you to download here. Here are the steps to install it.

1) Save the attached font file somewhere on your PC

2) Click Start/Settings/Control Panel/Fonts

3) Click File/Install New Font

A window will pop up. By manipulating the folder list in the lower left, you can navigate to the folder containing the file you saved in step (1).

Once you do so, the "List of fonts" will contain a new entry, something like "Symbol 8,10,12, blah blah".

Click on this line in the "List of fonts" window, and click OK

Repeat the procedure for the second file if not successful from the first.

Here are the 2 files. Click to download the 1st one. If it doesn't work, try the 2nd one.

1) click me for symbol.ttf

2) click me for symbole.fon