Ask BBO!
This is the Ask BBO! Archive . Here you can find almost anything about how BBO works. Check out the summary for each Ask BBO! edition in the list below, or use the search box.
Ask BBO! 1
When did BBO begin?
What are the responsibilities of a table host?
What are the numbers beside some players' names?
Ask BBO! 2
Is there a way to deal with a table where the host is obviously not around but has not signed off?
What are "spot cards"?
What does "ATB" mean? I keep seeing this in the Forum!
Ask BBO! 3
I want to teach some of my friends to play bridge and I'm looking for instructions on using BBO as our virtual classroom.
Famous quote question.
Ask BBO! 4
Even though BBO claims that the chat screen can be printed, I have never been able to do so.
What is a tenace?
Ask BBO! 5
What is the best slam bidding tool?
How to Claim?
How to search the Forums?
Ask BBO! 6
How to use DD solver?
Description of skill levels.
Ask BBO! 7
How to create team match?
How can I start my own tourney?
How to check hands played by others?
Ask BBO! 8
How to bid when partner has no profile?
What is a Forum troll?
How to make friends on BBO?
Ask BBO! 9
365 spots in a deck of cards?
What does it mean to reset score?
Ask BBO! 10
Who are zzzz_1234 users?
How do I register for the Masterpoints Race?
What is the beer card?
Ask BBO! 11
What is the most expensive deck of cards in the world?
How do I reserve seats for someone at my table?
How do you win masterpoints on BBO?
Ask BBO! 12
How can I see the CC posted by my partner before a tourney?
Why am I being removed from the table all the time?
Can the hands for bidding practice be preset?
Ask BBO! 13
What does the "free redeal" mean in Bridge Bingo, and how to access it?
How can I view another player's "hand completion rate"?
How do I send a friend a bbo email?
Ask BBO! 14
Is there a way to input other cards (some I get from books) and play those hands - so that I can practice the play of the hand?
There never seem to be any matches needing players. How do I find one? Can I register as substitute? How?
How to invite a player to play in a tournament with you if they are not registered as looking for a partner, but simply playing somewhere on the site?
Ask BBO! 15
What is the difference between the basic and the advanced robots?
Does everyone have the same strength robot in a robot tourney?
Where do the pictures on the deck of cards come from?
How do I mark a hand my favorite hand so I can easily go back to it?
Ask BBO! 16
Where are the team matches?
How to start a TM?
How to fill in the sitouts if people do not click to join?
When i receive an invitation to join a team match, how can i view the profile of the person i am supposed to play with?
Ask BBO! 17
Is it possible to challenge a team or to create a team match and wait for people to join?
Where can I find questions and answers to already posed questions in Ask BBO?
Is there one "brand" of 2/1 that has the stamp of approval for pickup games on BBO?
Ask BBO! 18
What does the percentage of board completion show?
If I check out of BBO after playing a tournament, but before everyone is finished does it influence my tournament completion rate?
How do I play with my partner against robot opponents?
If we play a highly artificial system, should we provide a defense for the robots?
I cannot log on the BBO Forums. I am sure the password is correct, so what's the problem?
Ask BBO! 19
How do you look at a player's masterpoints on BBO?
How do I clear chat on the new BBO?
How can I see who is already registered to play in a tourney?
How can I move the chat from the right hand side panel to the bottom of the screen?
Ask BBO! 20
Any tips for playing robots in a tournament?
I was disconnected from three tourneys this morning - will this affect my stats?
How do Bingo tournaments work, and what are their rules?
Ask BBO! 21
What is BBO's protocol regarding chat during a pick-up game?
Each time i try to join an Open table i get an error message.
What are the smileys available on BBO?
Ask BBO! 22
Why can't I see other people's CC?
How come the deck redealt without consultation while I was playing?
Where is the option to see all 4 hands as dummy on the web version?
Ask BBO! 23
What is the criteria for selecting subs for empty chairs in the ACBL tournaments?
Why do I have to pass with 14 points in a BBO robot tourney?
Is there a place where we can link up with others who want to play a tourney but don't have a partner?
Ask BBO! 24
How do I disable friends notifications in the new version?
How can I mark people I like to watch, but who are not really my friends?
How can I check whether I want to sub for a particular tourney before I agree to play?
Can you make it TCR 80% for ALL the Express - Free Automated Fun?
Ask BBO! 25
Is there a way to get a better choice of tables to watch using the latest BBO version?
Why was the Bingo format changed to duplicate?
What can we do about players who are constantly slow in tourneys?
Ask BBO! 26
Tourney Completion Rate should be calculated for more than a month.
I cannot find Vugraph Voice. Was this feature withdrawn?
Why can't people see my profile picture?
Ask BBO! 27
Can I save or retrieve hands from a teaching table on the web version of BBO?
Can I rent an advanced robot to play with me in tournaments? And how do I go about it?
When in 4th seat with 3 passes to you, the misclick of a pass cannot be undone. Is there anything we can do to avoid this situation?
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