
Please change your password now!

Hi there,

Your BBO password is very important. It is the only thing that is protecting your BBO username. If someone gets control of your password, they can pretend to be you and easily do nasty stuff in your name.

Your password is really easy to guess, so please try to change your password to something harder. Example:

1) Add a mixture of numbers and alphabets to your password.

2) Do not have a password with just simple words, like "Bridge", "BBO", "Password", "123456". These are really easy to guess and therefore easy to steal.

3) Do not have a password that's identical or similar to your username. That's really easy to guess too.

4) Write your password down in a safe place so you won't lose it, but don't share it with others.

You are receiving this message because your password has been deemed too easy to guess, so please change it now and protect your account!