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Hi there. This guide will show you how to install a shortcut to BBO on your desktop!

The steps are very easy, don't worry. Just follow the instructions carefully. If you run into problems, please email with details.

These are the steps:
  1. Click here to download the BBO shortcut (Only for Mac users! Click here if you use a PC)
  2. Open your Downloads folder. Your Documents folder in the Dock will look like this when you click on it:
  3. If Bridge Base did not automatically expand into Bridge Base Online, double click it to expand it.
  4. Drag Bridge Base Online to your "Applications" folder, or any folder of your choice.
  5. If you want a shortcut, drag it to the Dock, or make an alias and drag it to your desktop. Each time you wish to play Bridge, just double-click the BBO icon.